
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Research & Celebs

I am currently in the process of doing some research to share with everyone. Its slightly difficult because with the advances in medicine, the information has changed greatly. As late as 10-15 years ago, it was thought that ADD mostly affected males and that it was usually outgrown by adulthood. HA! Do you know that some people still think that ADD/ADHD is not a real condition?? This amazes me as it is medically proven. There are even brain scans that can show the differences.

Anyway, here is something to ponder while I am working on my research:

Richard Branson

Ty Pennington

Albert Einstein

Michael Phelps

Danny Glover

Charles Schawb

Tommy Hilfiger

Erin Brockovich


Orlando Bloom

And this list goes on and on. These people have (or had, in Einstein case) ADD or ADHD. The list is huge!! I found a lot of the names on the great schools website.

The subtitle of this article says "Read about famous folks who overcame the challenges of LD and AD/HD." Which I have to disagree with, I don't think that these people "overcame" ADD however they learned to work with the way their minds think and socially adapt when necessary. Just a thought.

I'm also going to hit up the local library and begin some additional research on ADHD. If anyone has any book suggestions both about the subject and then books written for people that have it, please let me know and I will add them to my list.

Thanks for reading!

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